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Medical Officials

Getting Started

To register with Motorsport UK as a medical professional, please complete the application form which can be found in the Resource Centre.


If you are applying to become a Registered Doctor, a current GMC Registration, together with Professional Indemnity Insurance, must be in place for the Licence to be valid. Foundation Year 1 and 2 Doctors may not act as medical officers at an event. Trainees beyond Foundation Year 2 must ensure that the Approved Practice Setting restriction has been removed from their Licence by the GMC.


If you are applying to become a Registered Paramedic a current HCPC Registration must be in place for the Licence to be valid.

Medical Assistants

If you are applying to become a Registered Medical Assistant, your application must be supported by the Chief Medical Officer of the venue where it is intended you will attend Motorsport UK Permitted events, and an HCPC or Nursing & Midwifery Council Registration is required for the Licence to be valid. Demonstrable experience and proficiency in resuscitation and trauma management skills are required, as well as having experience of active participation in motorsport medical care either from event attendance or having attended a Motorsport UK Medical Staff Induction Course. It is desirable that the applicant has successfully attended at least one of the following courses: ATNC, PHTLS, PHEC, ALS, PHPLS, APLS or ATLS observer.

Medical Malpractice Insurance

The Master Liability policy is automatically extended to provide medical malpractice cover for volunteer Junior Doctors and paramedics registered with the HCPC and volunteer medical assistants including nurses registered with Motorsport UK, attending Motorsport UK authorised events. The limit of indemnity is £15,000,000 in the aggregate and the cover is subject to a deductible amount of £450 each and every claim.