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Volunteer Spotlight: Carol Glenn

Friday 02 June 2023

To celebrate Volunteers’ Week, we are shining the spotlight on some of those who give up their time for the benefit of UK motorsport. Today, we speak to FIA Girls on Track UK Ambassador and Motorsport UK-licensed Clerk of the Course Carol Glenn.

How did you get into motorsport?

I got into motorsport quite a long time ago – just over 30 years ago! – as a volunteer marshal, and I’ve been a volunteer ever since. I started off as a track marshal, then progressed on to assembly, and then I became a Secretary of the Meeting for around 15 years. In 2015 I got my Clerk of the Course license. I’m involved with cars (circuit racing), rallycross and sprinting.

What originally inspired you to get into the sport?

I’ve come from a non-motorsport background but have always had a love of cars even as a youngster. When I met my partner, he took me to Brands Hatch and I basically fell in love with it! I just love it all – the cars, the smells, everything. Also, the fact you don’t just have to be a racing driver – there’s other things you can do (in the sport) to be able to enjoy it.

How is the sport different to 30 years ago?

When I joined, women had only just started to get involved with marshalling, having originally just been seen as people to make the cups of tea and do the photocopying. Now, 30 years later, we have female stewards, scrutineers, and people who actually work in the industry as engineers and all sorts of roles. Being a woman, and a woman of colour, was a challenge but I’ve never made it a ‘thing’ and you just make sure you’re good at what you do and you can stand your ground. 

I feel that now, as an FIA Girls on Track UK Ambassador, at least young girls are seeing that there are other girls like them and that will encourage them to get into motorsport.

How important is that visibility for girls who want to get into the sport?

It’s very important because nowadays, with social media, people look at things such as football and think ‘is there somebody else who looks like me?’ If there’s nobody who looks like them, they feel a bit more threatened and they need and want a bit more confidence to be able to join in. I think it’s so important to show that motorsport is inclusive and anybody of any hue and any gender can join.

What stands out to you as a highlight of your 30 years in motorsport?

One of my most recent ones! Last December I was very honoured to be asked to speak at the FIA and FIM Women in Motorsport Conference at the RAC Club in Pall Mall (London). I never in a thousand years imagined I would be asked to sit on that sort of platform and deliver something to a lot of women across the world, online! That was a very, very proud moment for me.

What are the benefits of volunteering in motorsport?

When I go to career fairs and the Girls on Track events, I always say: experience. When you’re writing out your CV, especially if you’ve just left school or university and they (employers) want you to have experience, volunteering in motorsport gives you that experience. It gives you experience and training in working as a team, managing people, decision-making, being on time…all those sorts of things that you may not get in your day job. It’s so important to do that sort of thing.

How did your role with Girls on Track come about, and how much does it mean to you to be in that position to inspire young girls?

I’d volunteered to do an event at Thruxton and I was just knocked out by the fact that these young girls come from school and the questions they ask you…you can go prepared but be surprised by what they come out with! I was really inspired by them and not long after that, I was asked if I’d like to become an Ambassador.

I was very proud and honoured to become an Ambassador. It’s quite a big thing to see that I’m making such a big impact on somebody’s (potential) decisions later down the line, and I love to say to people: ‘I like to send the elevator down and bring up more people’, and that’s what we need to do!

What advice would you give to somebody who wants to get involved?

Go for it! There’s so much stuff for you to do within any team or company in motorsport – you’ve got events, logistics, media content, being a commentator, a scrutineer…so it’s not all about being ‘technical’ and having a degree. There’s a plethora of jobs you can do within motorsport so it’s open to everybody. Just have a go! It’s so easy to be put off, or to think ‘oh, I can’t do that’, but there’s a whole platform of jobs out there! Go for the stars but also be prepared to think outside the box.


There’s always the need for more people to come along and get involved, whether directly through Motorsport UK or one of the many national motor clubs. Click here to find out how you can get started!