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Schools Education Programme

The Sport

Schools Education Programme Single Seaters

Motorsport UK’s School Education Programme, themed around Single Seater Racing, is a free pack of lesson plans and materials that is aimed at girls and boys in Year 5 & 6, and which gives an overview of Single Seater racing as well as a behind the scenes experience at the inner workings of the British F4 Championship.

Lessons in this pack include learning about sponsorship and budgeting for the stickers on a car, the importance of aerodynamics in a race car, the importance of drivers fitness and nutrition – plus much more!

This programme can be used in any way that is desired and could be a whole day of lessons or could be spread out over a whole term with one lesson per week – the flexibility is there. There is also no set time frame in which to deliver this programme – just when it is convenient for you.

Please enter your details below to receive the free full pack of materials, with activities and resources for your classroom.

School Address(Required)
The lesson plans are designed for students aged 9 to 11. Please confirm the year group that you teach.
Please confirm the number of students in your class.