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The Sport

Policies and Guidance

Motorsport UK has policies, procedures and guidance in place to ensure that our legal duties to promote the welfare of children and adults at risk, and prevent them from coming to harm, are met. The documents listed below aim to support the development of best practice and provide central support for safeguarding Children and Adults at Risk.

Our Child and Adult at Risk Safeguarding Polices pave the way for Motorsport UK’s provisions and expectations for safeguarding in our sport. They include key principles and aims, useful explanations of terminology, explanation of responsibilities and useful guidance for all those involved in our sport.

Understanding safeguarding and what you can do to help yourself and others can be challenging to understand. To support our Young People, Parents and Carers with this, the below guides offer useful definitions, guidance and relevant contact points.

For more information on safer recruitment, our polices below outline key expectations regarding advertising, the application process, references, interviewing, checks and induction.

If you have any safeguarding queries that is not covered in the above policies and guidance, please do contact Motorsport UK Safeguarding department at or call on 01753 765000.