Renewing your licence or applying for event permits?

The Sport

Information for Parents and Carers

Motorsport UK recognises the vital support parents and carers provide for their child to be involved in motorsport.

Sport plays a positive role in the lives of many children and your people. As well as the obvious benefits, they can gain important social and life skills. That is why it is important that everyone who provides sport does as much as possible to create and maintain an enjoyable and safe environment. Motorsport UK are committed to providing a fun and safe environment for your child to enjoy the sport.

Below is further information that can assist you. However if there is something further you need to know please contact Motorsport UK on 01753 765000.

Motorsport UK Standards

What is expected of you and your child?


Motorsport UK can assist you in locating further support.

Choosing a Club

What to look out for, what questions to ask, what you can do to help and who can help within a team or club.

Staying Safe Online

Ensure your child participates safely in online motorsport activities.