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The Sport

Non-Recent Reporting

Motorsport UK are committed to the safeguarding of children and adults within our sport. It is important as the National Governing Body that work with children and adults that we do everything we can to recognise, report and investigate quickly and appropriately allegations to keep children, young people and adults safe. But many of those who have been abused are not ready to seek help until later.

Non-recent abuse refers to any type of abuse that has taken place over one year before being reported including neglect, physical, sexual and emotional abuse.

Motorsport UK would encourage you to contact us if you need to report any non-recent abuse you or anyone else has suffered within the sport. Your contact will be treated sensitively and confidentially.

Please see Motorsport UK Non-recent abuse leaflet and the Motorsport UK Non-Recent Abuse Policy for further information.


When You Are Ready

The Hydrant Programme have recently launched their new national Campaign – When You Are ready.

The campaign seeks to encourage further victims and survivors to reach out for support if that’s the right thing to do for them – we want them to feel empowered to take a step and normalise these conversations.

To access the campaign website, please click here.