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Minimising risk in UK motorsport

The Sport

Risk Management

Motorsport carries an inherent risk that is well managed by Motorsport UK, which operates a comprehensive risk management programme and has an excellent track record in this respect.


Motorsport UK enforces General Regulations for motor sport, both to ensure a level playing field and to minimise risk. These regulations are detailed in the Motorsport UK Yearbook, a copy of which is sent to every Motorsport UK Competition Licence holder and registered official.

These regulations are upheld by trained volunteers and officials. For example scrutineers check that vehicles appear to comply with the relevant technical regulations, while other officials ensure that competitors adhere to the sporting rules.

All events use Motorsport UK-registered volunteers such as marshals and rescue & recovery personnel, who are trained to deal with any incidents that may occur.

Track licensing and venue inspection

Race, speed and kart venues must be granted a Motorsport UK Track Licence in order to host Motorsport UK-permitted events. There are around 120 licensed venues, each of which is subject to a formal inspection on a regular basis.


Motorsport UK and its broker, Marsh Sport, ensure that motor sport and its participants (competitors and officials) are protected by a robust insurance programme.

For further information, please click here.