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Spot Check: Scrutineers at Extreme E

Friday 12 May 2023

Extreme E hits Scotland this weekend for the second round of the championship, the Hydro X Prix held in Dumfries and Galloway from 13 – 14 May. Absolutely key to the running of a fair and safe event is a team of scrutineers, who check the cars for compliance with the technical and sporting regulations.

A team of 13 scrutineers have been supplied by Motorsport UK, as Technical Manager Michael Duncan explains: “We have co-ordinated a small team of 13 people who work with two delegates nominated by the organizing ASN (sporting body) for Extreme E, the ACM. The ACM supplies the technical delegates and technical assistants who identify the parts that will need to be checked over this event. Our team of scrutineers ensure that the parts are checked over according to these requirements.”

A scrutineer’s tasks range from pre-event checks on items including lights, warning systems, fire extinguishers, driver safety, weight and bodywork to checking elements in-session identified by the ACM. There may also be spot checks conducted on various teams. After the event certain cars will also undergo a more detailed check. One scrutineer is allocated to each team, with three in the general scrutineering tent.

The team coordinated by Motorsport UK for Extreme E have hugely varied experiences within the sport. Many have worked across multiple disciplines, including rallying, speed and circuit racing. Each one has also undergone extensive training:

“We run a Motorsport UK training scheme, which is mentor based,” adds Michael. “Every new scrutineer is paired with a more experienced scrutineer while they undertake their training. We provide all the training materials needed, which can be taken online via modules or webinars and on-the-job training. Thereafter each scrutineer does an annual refresher webinar to keep their knowledge up to date and in line with championship expectations.”

The tight team hails mainly from Scotland. It’s great for them to support an international event happening within their local territory, plus it keeps team mileage and emissions down, which is obviously important to the Extreme E ethos.

Rab McDonald, the chief scrutineer, lives in Edinburgh. “I’ve been doing scrutineering for a number of years and enjoy it every time I do it. I’ve been on rallies including Wales Rally GB, the Irish Tarmac championship, Middle Eastern Championship and also across in Japan. The community spirit is fantastic; when you have a good team you can rely on and work together to make an event come together it’s a great feeling.”

Start your motorsport journey in scrutineering

Scrutineers are Motorsport UK Licensed Officials and are appointed to motorsport events to ensure that they run in accordance with the regulations, which are designed to ensure a safe, fair and fun environment.

If you’d like to start your motorsport and volunteering journey in scrutineering, click here.