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COVID-19 Information Updates

LAST UPDATED: Monday 20 June 2022

Following the relaxation of COVID-19 restrictions all Competitors, Clubs, Marshals and Officials should refer to local Government Guidance. Please Note:


  • Each individual club can now choose their preferred approach to signing-on and self-declaration
  • Licences must be produced for inspection at all events prior to a competition taking part (Note H21.1.1)
  • Pre-event scrutineering by electronic (remote) declaration is no longer applicable.
  • Signing-on and self-declarations by the use of paper copies before the event is permitted, however we strongly encourage the use of online signing-on systems
  • Clubs are permitted to generate a self-declaration form to accommodate for their discipline needs. If this is the case the form must contain the Motorsport UK declaration and required fields unmodified. Additional information is permitted.
  • You are not required to complete a Health Declaration; however, we do request that you monitor your own health and wellbeing, stay aware of potential COVID-19 symptoms, and do not attend the event if you suspect any illness.

A COVID-19 Officer is no longer required.

The latest versions of our Signing-On Declaration Forms are now available in the Resource Centre

Media Guidance

We have updated our Media Guidance for those events planning to host TV, Press and Photographers. Read the latest guidance

COVID-19 Posters

The latest versions of our COVID-19 Posters are now available in the Resource Centre

Scrutineer Forms

The latest versions of our Scrutineer Forms are now available in the Resource Centre

Previous Motorsport UK COVID-19 Guidance documents


Updated 16/04/2021


Updated 30/07/2021


Updated 30/07/2021


Updated 30/07/2021


Updated 30/07/2021


Updated 30/07/2021

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Guidance