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Removal of Competition Licences when disqualified from holding or obtaining a Road Traffic Act driving licence

Tuesday 21 June 2022

The Board of Motorsport UK confirms that disqualification from holding or obtaining a driving licence under the Road Traffic Acts (‘RTA’) following conviction for offences under that legislation is incompatible with the holding of an ASN Competition Licence.

This incompatibility is a combination of the regulatory requirements of the sport in respect of the highest standards of conduct and behaviour, potentially bringing motorsport into disrepute and the alignment of the ASN with and support of the FIA programmes for action on road safety in a global context.

The Board confirms that the following applies to any person disqualified from holding or obtaining a RTA driving Licence following conviction under that legislation:

  1. The licences of all persons so disqualified under the RTA are hereby withdrawn pursuant to NCR Chapter H. Art. 3.1.2 and
  2. The fact of RTA disqualification must be voluntarily immediately reported to the Licensing Department of the ASN and
  3. Failure to self-report is a breach of the National Competition Rules (‘NCR’) under Chapter C Articles 1.1.2 (b) and 1.1.3 and 1.1.4 and will result in an automatic referral to the independent National Court by the Disciplinary Officer with interim suspension under Chapter A. Arts. and and the penalty may be to double the period of suspension and
  4. The consequence of the RTA disqualification is that the right to be granted and or to hold a Competition Licence under the NCR shall be automatically suspended from the date of that disqualification and that suspension shall expire on the same date as the entitlement to hold an RTA Licence is restored.

Therefore all Competition Licence holders currently disqualified from holding a RTA Licence must immediately report this to the Licensing Department and surrender the physical licence. The ASN reserves the right to call for evidence of the date of expiry of any RTA disqualification.