Renewing your licence or applying for event permits?

Travel Guidance

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Motorsport UK confirms that subject to the conditions and obligations set out below, drivers and/or co drivers who hold an international licence are permitted to travel for the purposes of attending an elite sport event or for preparation or training for such an event and which must be listed on the FIA or FIA-CIK International calendar (‘the Specified Event’). For avoidance of doubt, an elite sportsperson can only be a driver or co driver and must be aged 16 or over or a person aged 16 or over who is on an elite development pathway as certified in writing by Motorsport UK.

Persons who cannot undertake their work in the UK are permitted to travel out of the UK to work. We are of the view that such persons include (those referred to elsewhere as) Elite Ancillary Sportspersons working at and considered essential to the delivery of the Specified Event and so are similarly permitted to travel under the same conditions and obligations set out below. Motorsport mechanics are specifically classified as Elite Ancillary Sportspersons while Event officials also qualify being designated volunteer workers.

A passenger declaration form must be completed and presented at any UK port on departure from the UK and Motorsport UK advise all travelers to regularly review and adhere to general Government and devolved Government guidance when travelling and returning to the UK and its member countries along with checking any local restrictions in the country you will be travelling to. Motorsport UK reminds applicants that anyone who travels and does not meet the criteria above may be subject to a penalty according to the relevant Government laws in force at the time of exit from / entry to the UK and which may vary from country to country within the UK.

This statement is not connected to the protocol related to Letters of Exemption and which must be the subject of a dedicated application to Motorsport UK by eligible applicants.