Inaugural Motorsport Month Anglia and South East set for April
This April, the inaugural Motorsport Month Anglia and South East will be run to bring together their respective regions and celebrate all things motorsport.
Motorsport Month is designed to champion the range of motorsport disciplines available with the local celebration showcasing some of the best motorsport events and demonstrating the various pathways into the sport.
Set to be run in collaboration, Motorsport Month Anglia and South East will be organised by the Association of South Eastern Motor Clubs and Association of Eastern Motor Clubs
A mixture of events will be held throughout the regions with a full list and further information available on Motorsport UK’s website HERE.
As part of Motorsport Month, the Anglia Motor Sport Club are organising an evening to promote the grassroots of the sport at Horringer Community Centre in Bury St Edmunds.
Club members will talk about how they got involved in motorsport and have created flyers about the different disciplines to educate the community.
The event is free to attend and those interested are requested to register HERE.
About Motorsport Month
The Motorsport Month concept derived from Cornwall Motorsport Month, during which we highlighted the range of motorsport events held across the region throughout September 2019 and 2020. From AutoSolos to Hill Climbs, the spectrum of events that took place showcased opportunities to either compete, volunteer or spectate in the sport.
In 2021, Cornwall Motorsport Month was replaced by Motorsport Month South West to amplify motorsport within the wider South West region.
In 2022 the campaign is growing. Motorsport Month Anglia and South East open up the year in April with Motorsport Month South West scheduled for September. New regional celebrations are set to be added throughout the year.