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Bambinos complete the 2020 British Kart Championships

Tuesday 14 July 2020

The Bambino Championship is the final series to announce dates for the 2020 season. The class is for our youngest drivers – giving them the chance to compete at British Championship level events in 2020. Previously, the Bambinos were a guest class in previous years, but for the 2020 season, Motorsport UK are delighted to bring them into the fold full time and offer a three-round championship. The three-event contest will get underway at Rowrah in August followed by a trip to Mansell Raceway in September, before the curtain call at PFI in October.

Kart Manager at Motorsport UK, Dan Parker, said: “We are delighted to welcome the Bambino drivers full-time into the British Kart Championship package. With the suspension of events due to COVID-19, we are aware that many drivers who had wanted to compete in the championship this year have not been able to either obtain licences or gain the required upgrade signatures in order to compete in the race Championship.

“Motorsport UK understands the difficulties this presents and we are delighted to announce that drivers who are in the year of their seventh birthday and currently hold a Motorsport UK Bambino licence will be eligible to compete in the championship in 2020. For those who meet the age criteria, but don’t have a licence, they can compete in the championship once they have completed an ARKS test before the first round. For those wanting to find out more, please do not hesitate to contact us.”

The Championship registration fee is £185.00 and includes a set of Le Cont all weather tyres for the Championship, with race entry £155.00 per meeting. For further information, please contact

Championship registrations are open now

2020 Motorsport UK Bambino Championship: 

Round 1: Rowrah – 14-16 August

Round 2: Mansell Raceway – 26-27 September

Round 3: PFI – 23-25 October