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Motorsport UK to feature at Autosport International Business Forum

Wednesday 11 January 2023

Motorsport UK will feature at the Autosport International Business Forum from Thursday through to Saturday at the National Exhibition Centre (NEC) in Birmingham.

The forum will provide a platform for in-depth discussions about the state of the automotive and motorsport industry and where it may be heading next. Motorsport UK will join a host of other organisations leading the debate on motorsport at Hall 3A’s Business Lounge.

Motorsport UK Forum’s include:

How can motorsport remain relevant in an ever-changing society?
Thursday 12 January, 11:00

There is a great deal more to be done in changing the culture within motorsport to one that celebrates diversity and enables full involvement that reflect society. Join Jess Runicles, Motorsport UK Head of Sustainability, to hear more about Motorsport UK’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion initiatives.

Can Motorsport ever be fully sustainable?
Thursday 12 January, 13:00

Join Iona Neilson (Formula E), Dr Cristiana Pace (Enovation Consultancy CEO), Stephane Bazire (Silverstone Circuits) and Jess Runicles (Motorsport UK) to learn about the initiatives in pole position to transition motorsport to a sustainable future.

Your pathway into coaching motorsport
Friday 13 January, 10:00

Coaching is key to unlocking potential in motorsport. Although traditionally seen as a tool for the elite, coaching holds far greater potential for encouraging participants at all levels of the sport. Led by Motorsport UK’s Competitor Pathway Manager, Katie Baldwin, this 30-minute session will introduce the Motorsport UK Coach Development pathway and how it can help you lead the way.

Motorsport volunteering: transferring skills to everyday life
Friday 13 January, 15:00

Join Motorsport UK’s Learning and Development Team as they discuss the various volunteering opportunities available in the sport and how they can elevate your CV and make you stand out from the crowd.

StreetCar: Motorsport in your everyday road car
Saturday 14 January, 11:00

StreetCar is a free initiative to encourage participation in motorsport in your everyday road car, at an affordable cost with a range of disciplines, spread across the UK. Explore ways to get involved with an expert panel and why this is motorsports best kept secret.

Girls on Track UK: Increasing female representation in motorsport
Saturday 14 January, 11:30

Girls on Track UK aims to increase female participation in all aspects of the sport, whether as a competitor, volunteer or as a career choice. Learn and understand some of the opportunities available for women in motorsport and how to get involved with Girls on Track UK.

Start your motorsport volunteering journey
Saturday 14 January, 12:00

Gain an understanding from James Betchley, Motorsport UK Training Manager, and Nadine Lewis, Chair of the British Motorsport Marshals Club, of the varied opportunities to volunteer in motorsport.