Renewing your licence or applying for event permits?


Wednesday 25 March 2020

The whole motorsport community is affected by the Coronavirus outbreak, and we fully appreciate the challenges it has created for our members, clubs, venues, promoters, teams and all organisations within the industry. These are unprecedented times for everyone, it is a fluid situation and the speed of change is requiring all of us to reset our perspectives on a daily basis.

We have had a wide range of questions as a result of the situation, and here we have provided answers to the core concerns. In some cases, it is difficult to provide definitive answers and we are constantly reviewing the situation to offer our best advice. If the answer you are looking for is not listed below please contact us for further clarification:



Can I still contact Motorsport UK?

Yes. Motorsport UK is continuing to operate, with the Membership team available to deal with general enquiries and they can direct specific calls to the right expert. Motorsport UK has established a fully operational remote home office network that allows us to maintain our service to the community. All emails are being picked up and the organisation phone numbers are on divert.

When will the motorsport season resume?

Motorsport organising permits have been suspended until at least 30th June. This is an evolving situation, and is subject to Government advice, and we will issue updates as soon as there is any change.

We understand that clubs and event organisers need as much notice as possible in order to assess whether their events are likely to go ahead. Motorsport UK will take a responsible approach on the resumption of the motorsport calendar, following government advice and consulting various stakeholders in order to make the right decision. The safety, health and wellbeing of our community, and the whole of the country is paramount.

Are you still processing licence applications?

Online licence applications will be processed. We appreciate that people may be applying to maintain the status of their licence.

Motorsport UK has suspended the processing of postal licences at this time; any applications that have been received but not processed are being dealt with directly with the applicant. Unless requested otherwise, postal applications will be held and processed at a later date, on the resumption of the season.

The RS Clubman licence application process is also temporarily suspended at this time.

Will I get a refund on my licence fee?

All Motorsport UK licences issued remain valid for the full calendar year. Motorsport UK is optimistic the sport can continue in 2020, and therefore Motorsport UK is not refunding licence fees.

Motorsport UK will continue to service its club and member community throughout any hiatus when the sport is suspended. As a not-for-profit national governing body, all of the organisation’s licence revenues are directly invested back into the sport across training and education, sport and development, elevating motorsport safety, developing technical standards, providing a governance and judicial framework and sport promotion. This affects future years as much as it does 2020.

Our efforts in all these areas continue through the crisis in order that we can resume as rapidly as possible, and that we secure the long-term sustainability of the sport. Our revenue is very largely derived from licence fees and assumes a full year of revenue to allow this level of resource for the sport.

How can I help the public effort around COVID-19?

The Government has launched an urgent appeal for 250,000 volunteers to help the NHS in the battle against coronavirus. The country will be under pressure for some time, and our community is exceptionally well equipped to take on roles that help society to function.

The Government is looking for DBS cleared staff, people with driving licenses and medically qualified staff.

If you fall into any of the categories outlined above, you can register as an NHS volunteer here



Is there any financial support available for clubs from Motorsport UK?

We have announced a £1 million Club Continuity Funding Package to help its clubs address the financial consequences of COVID-19. The funding is one of a number of measures that it is implementing to offset the economic impact that the global pandemic has wrought across the sport.

This investment will be used to create two funds, each valued at £500,000, to provide loan and grant support to Motorsport UK clubs through this challenging period. A Motorsport UK panel will review each application and decide the amount to be awarded and the funding mechanism.

More details, including how to apply, are available here:

Can I still apply for a permit for events after the 30th June?

Yes. We are taking permit bookings as normal for dates after the suspension is in place. If the suspension date is extended again we will contact anyone who has applied for a permit during the new period of suspension.

Will Motorsport UK refund the permit fee for cancelled events?

In most cases Motorsport UK takes payment after an event has taken place, so no-one will have to pay for cancelled events. For events with Certificates of Exemption, clubs can either request the Certificate of Exemption be postponed to a later date in the year, or the money can be placed in credit to be utilised against another Permit. Alternatively they can request a refund.

If you have any questions about permits or future events please contact

Can a championship calendar be rescheduled without requiring signed agreement from the competitors?

Motorsport UK has granted an exemption under the General Regulations so that Organisers will be able to amend their Championship calendar without the requirement to obtain the written agreement of registered competitors for it to be accepted.  The organisers will simply provide to Motorsport UK a revised calendar prior to publication and we will authorise it as an amendment.  On the same basis organisers may amend the minimum number of rounds to count towards the overall Championship.

For all Rally, Cross Country, Autotest and Trials Championships the contact address will be

For all Race, Speed and Kart Championships the contact address will be

How can I best communicate with my club members beyond emails?

There are many ways to communicate with members or other groups. These include video conferences and our recommendations would be using Microsoft Teams (which also acts as a messenger service), Zoom, or Skype. Setting up Facebook pages to use as forums for your club is also a very good idea and social media can be a key way to ensure your club continues to have a community environment. Smaller groups work well with WhatsApp as well.

Is there more information on advice for my business at this time?

The link below provides all the details of the current Government policy, and we are working with the Department of Culture Media and Sport (DCMS) to make sure that we fight the corner for motorsport in all its different facets: Click here to find out more.




Can I still contact the Technical or Safety team for information or questions?

Yes. The whole of each team is fully connected and available to continue to serve the community. Please use the normal means to contact the teams – 01753 765000 by phone or and by email.

Will I still be able to get a Motorsport UK Vehicle Passport or FIA HTP?

The close inspection of vehicles required could present a risk of the spread of the Coronavirus between those involved in any inspection process. We have therefore instructed that no vehicle inspections are carried out until further notice.

We are still processing existing applications and accepting fully digital applications from inspections already completed. However, we do not have access to the required printing and post facilities, therefore we will not be able to issue printed documents. In the interim when a  HTP is ready to issue we will email the applicant a locked and watermarked PDF copy of the document. We will not be issuing locked PDF copies of Vehicle Passports. The hard copy original will then be sent out once normal working conditions resume. This same process will apply to most other technical documents, such as HRVIFs and Category 2 papers.

Will the life of my safety equipment be extended to account for the time unused?

This is a matter that will be carefully considered once we know the full extent of the delay to motorsport activities. We will issue further updates to the community on matters such as this as and when any decisions are taken.

Can I still progress with my Scrutineer training?

On 30th March, Motorsport UK will be launching its new online learning platform, The Learning Hub, which aims to provide an easy to use and time-efficient online learning experience to help you enhance your skills and will complement your Scrutineer training well. Simply log in to your Members Area on the Motorsport UK website and follow the instructions from there.

If you are only just beginning as a trainee, on The Learning Hub you will find a module called “Motorsport in Theory” – this provides all of the information needed in order to complete the first part of your modular training programme. We appreciate that it may be a while before you are able to fulfil the practical elements of your training and we will not be penalising trainees take a longer time to complete their training, within reason.




I’m a Rescue / Recovery crew member and cannot attend my mandatory triannual assessment. How can I maintain my licence status?

We will make provision for online refresher training and content to be available, and we understand that a number of people may be affected by this so will be taking a common-sense approach to individual extensions.

Should I still apply for my Rescue/Recovery Unit Licence in the normal way

We advise that you make applications regardless of the ongoing situation. Although motorsport activity is currently suspended, we anticipate that we will be up and running again at some point later this year. Applying when the season gets going again could place significant administrative burden on the Unit licencing process and may result in delays – which we would like to avoid with your help.




How can I develop my knowledge during this period when there are no motorsport events taking place?

On Monday 30th March, Motorsport UK will be launching its new online learning platform, The Learning Hub. Whether you are an Official, Competitor, Marshal or Event Organiser, The Learning Hub aims to provide an easy to use and time-efficient online learning experience which will help you enhance your skills and prepare you for the role you have chosen to undertake. Simply log in to your Members Area on the Motorsport UK website and follow the instructions from there.

I am currently undertaking my training programme to become a Licensed Official – with no events taking place, how can I continue my learning?

On The Learning Hub you will find a module called “Motorsport in Theory” – this module provides all the information needed in order to complete the first part of your modular training programme for becoming a Licensed Official. We appreciate that it may be a while before you are able to fulfil the practical elements of the training programme and we will not be penalising trainees who go over the 36-month time limit (within reason).

I am a Motorsport UK Trainer – how can I continue to provide training events during this time?

There are many free platforms available that could assist you in providing training in an online environment, including Skype, Zoom, Cisco Webex and Microsoft Teams. In the coming weeks we will be providing guidance to Trainers on how to use these tools to provide online webinars.

I was due to attend a seminar for Club Officials and Event Organisers, however these have now been cancelled. How can I access the content?

We will shortly be emailing the slides from the seminar series to all registered attendees, as well as a collection of the comments received. Furthermore, a recording of the seminar presentation is also in creation, as well as an interactive module which will be available through The Learning Hub.

I am worried that I won’t be able to meet my Marshal grade maintenance requirements for 2020. What will happen to my Marshal grade?

We understand that our volunteer Marshals may be concerned about meeting their grade maintenance requirements, due to some motorsport events and training days being cancelled/postponed. Motorsport UK would like to reassure the Marshal community that their current Marshal grades will not be affected, should they not be able to meet their grade maintenance requirements in 2020.

Further information about the grade maintenance criteria for 2020 will be released in due course.

I am due to upgrade as part of the Marshals Grading Scheme, if the office is closed, how can I do this?

As a result of the office being closed and our staff working from home, we are unable to process postal upgrade applications. These will be processed as soon as our staff are back in the office. We can accept upgrade applications by email, if you and/or your club are able to scan (or photograph and attach) the application form along with the relevant pages of your Personal Record Card.

Please email Marshal upgrade applications to

We have organised a training event supported by The British Motor Sports Training Trust (BMSTT) which we have not been able to run, what do we do now?

Event organisers of BMSTT supported training events have been contacted with an update and reassured that the BMSTT are committed to the grant aid funding it has awarded for the 2020 training season. All training events that were due to take place between now and 30th April will be able to change the date of their training event and their funding will not be affected. This is also the case for any other training events outside of this date range that need to be rescheduled due to the ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak or for any other reasons.

Steps are also being taken to ensure that Clubs and event organisers are not out of pocket and are supported financially with any costs they have incurred prior to the 17th March announcement, that they are not otherwise able to obtain a refund for. The process for claiming cancellation/postponement costs will be communicated to the 2020 BMSTT supported event organisers shortly.

If you have any queries about a specific training event that you were registered to attend, you will need to contact the event organiser directly, through the same channels that you registered your attendance.