Renewing your licence or applying for event permits?

The right to compete in a fair and safe environment



Motorsport UK believes that competitors have the right to compete in a fair and – so far as possible – safe environment.

Strict Liability

All competitors are solely responsible for any banned substance they use, attempt to use, or which is found in their system, regardless of how it got there and whether or not there was an intention to cheat.

Banned substances can be found in any of the following categories:

  • Prescribed medicines
  • Over-the-counter medicines
  • Recreational drugs
  • Performance-enhancing drugs

If you are unsure about any medicines or substances you are taking, please visit the Useful Resources.

The Consequences

Any competitor caught doping can expect the following:

  • A ban from ALL sport for a period of time. This includes: Competing, officiating, training and assisting an athlete
  • You will be unable to compete in any Motorsport UK competitions
  • You will not be able to train in a Motorsport UK approved centre for example affiliated club, funded gym, funded facility
  • You will not be able to receive any sports-related funding
  • You may lose previous medals, titles and records
  • The ban affects your participation in ALL sport under the WADA banner

Report Doping

In order to safeguard the integrity and reputation of motor sport and automobile mobility worldwide, the FIA has implemented the FIA Ethics and Compliance Hotline. For more information, click here.