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MG Car Club Ltd (Caledonian Centre)

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 2007

About Us

So who are we and what do we do?

We are a group of enthusiasts with a passion for our MGs, some are used daily, some are concours, some are racers, we all own MGs for different reasons. The range of cars is diverse from a 1927 M-Type through to the newly launched MG6, all are welcome.

From April to October we organise one day runs throughout various parts of the country, these are usually between 80 to 120 miles and can be either scenic drives or visits to places of interest. In addition to the one day runs we also have a Two Day Tour in September. In August we are hold a five day Highland Tour which takes us around wider Scotland.

Our flagship event is our Three Day May Scenic Tour which can have up to seventy MGs attending from all over Britain, this is held on the first weekend in May, we have had entries from Holland, Australia, Ireland and from across the Pond.

For those who prefer the static shows we normally attend at least three during the year, these include Thirlestane Castle, Knockhill Speedfair, and the main one for us being the Glamis Extravaganza, at which we have had an amazing seventy cars on display from a 1929 M-Type, with models from all decades through to the newly launched MG 6 on display.

During the winter months we hold a variety of gatherings including the "Chilly Willy" lunch and technical meetings where you can learn about your cars.

Whatever your MG interests we hope we have something to offer you!

MG Car Club Ltd (Devon & Cornwall)

MG Car Club Ltd (Lincolnshire)

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1980
Activities Autotests, Car Racing

MG Car Club Ltd (Midland Centre)

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1933
Activities Car Trials, Sprints, Touring Assemblies

MG Car Club Ltd (North West Centre)

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1936
Activities Car Racing, Hill Climbing, Sprints

MG Car Club Ltd (South East Centre)

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Activities Autotests, Car Trials, Touring Assemblies

MG Car Club Ltd (South West)

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Activities Autotests, Car Trials, Hill Climbing, Marshalling, Sprints, Touring Assemblies

MG Car Club Ltd (Ulster)

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Activities Autotests, Car Trials, Touring Assemblies

About Us

2018 hailed 50 years of the MGCC Ulster Centre. We are a group of motorsport enthusiasts most of whom own some type of MG but not necessarily so. Our main discipline of motorsport over the years has become autotesting although we do run a PCT championship being the only club in Northern Ireland to do so and we also to run an AutoSOLO. We are fortunate many of the younger competitors start their motorsport careers with The Ulster Centre and we continue to attract good entries at our competitive events. Throughout the year we also meet socially for Natters, Treasure Hunts and Sunday Runs.

MG Car Club Ltd (Yorkshire Centre)

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Activities Autotests, Car Racing, Hill Climbing, Touring Assemblies

About Us

Please visit our website for details of our 6 regional natters and social activities.

Mid Antrim Motor Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1970
Activities Hill Climbing, Rallying

Mid Cheshire Motor Racing Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1953
Activities Hill Climbing, Sprints

About Us

The Mid-Cheshire Motor Club came into being in 1953. Past President Ray Dawson was one of the designers of the original Oulton Park Racing Circuit and the Mid-Chesh (as the club is affectionately known) organised the first ever race meeting at the circuit. We are also the only amateur club ever to have promoted an annual Formula One race.

These days, our activities centre on sprints and hillclimbs and we organise two events per year – a hillclimb at the Scammonden Dam venue in the North West and a sprint at Curborough racetrack in the Midlands (known to regulars as the Cürburgring). Our events offer great value for money in terms of entry fees and track time and the friendliness of our paddocks is second to none.

If you are new to motorsport the Mid-Cheshire is ideal to get started with our committee being only too happy to offer advice before and during events. If you are a seasoned campaigner don’t forget to check out our regs over the winter months.

Mid Derbyshire Motor Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Activities Autotests, Hill Climbing, Marshalling, Rallying, Sprints

About Us

Mid-Derbyshire Motor Club is a very active group of Motorsport enthusiasts. We specialise in road and stage rallying, and we organise, marshal, drive, navigate and talk our way to a great time.

As well as a healthy number of active competitors, MDMC organises several events during the year including the Twyford Targa rally and the Twyford Stages rally. We also organise a several Scatters and 12-Car rallies, all part of the club Winter Championship - this all comes highly recommended as there are some excellent lanes around Derbyshire. Also we organise Autosolo and Production Car Autotests at Donington for the Winter Series. Indoor activities include events such as Tabletop Rallies, Quiz Nights, Video Nights, Playstation Challenges and more. Add other events such as Karting and Paintballing and you can see we are a very busy club.

Club night is Thursday, and we meet at The Spanker Inn in Heage DE562AT, 8pm onwards, details are announced on our Facebook page, and a warm Derbyshire welcome to all.

Mid Wales 4 Wheel Drive Ltd.

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1989

Middlesbrough & District Motor Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 2013

Middlesex County Automobile Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1905

About Us

About Us.

We are an active Club who meet regularly at various venues, please check the club's website for a list of events along with details of the activities the club gets involved in. We are mainly into Rallying at all levels, but we have members who participate in many other disciplines. We aim to organise several Multi-Use (Single Venue) events every year together with Autotests, AutoSOLOs and Navigational Scatters.

We also organise non-motoring related events including quizzes, bowling etc.

We are a proud member club of the Anglia Motorsport Club, AMSC and work collaboratively with other member clubs in this group to organise and promote events throughout the year for all levels of motorsport.

Our competition year runs from one years end to the next, with championship points awarded on all types of events. Competitors who beat 3 other MCAC crews on the same event are eligible for "Best Middlesex " awards. All awards are presented at the Annual Dinner, which for 2005. was our Centenery Dinner at the RAC Club in Pall Mall.

Midland Automobile Club (Est.1901) Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1901
Activities Car Trials, Hill Climbing, Marshalling, Driving School, Sprints, Touring Assemblies

Midland Hill Climb Championship Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 2014

Midland Manor Motor Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club

Midland Offroad Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1985

About Us

The Midland Offroad Club (MOC) was formed in July 1986 to promote Offroad 4X4 motorsport.

The Club is involved with charity work, Sports Council activated, sits on the RACMSA cross country committee and has been part of the organisational team for the "Offroad and 4 wheel drive", National Offroad Show, since its inception.

The Club is a leading light in 4X4 Offroad motoring activity.The credit for this must be given to members, who work extremely hard, some up front and some behind the scenes, to arrange and put on events which are, attractive, well organised and most enjoyable.Being an RACMSA affiliated club, the club runs competitive cross country vehicle trials for Standard Production Trials (SPT).Road Taxed Vehicles (RTV), and non taxed vehicles (Modified).

These trials are classed on wheelbase, with a single reverse per section allowed for vehicles over 100" wheelbase. With prizes awarded for overall placing as well as position in class, friendly rivalry occurs between drivers of the same type of vehicle, as well as proving an incentive to become first overall.

Midland Rover Owner Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1968
Activities Cross Country

About Us

The MROC, the club for all Land Rover owners and enthusiasts around the Midlands, which is arguably the senior club in the Association of Land Rover Clubs. Regular competitive and social events are held throughout the year.

TYRO Trials - The first stage in off-road competition. Intended as a non-damaging event to introduce drivers as young as 14 to the art of off-road driving under competitive conditions.

Road Taxed Vehicle Trials - RTVs are designed to be non-damaging and require minimal modifications to vehicles in order to take part.

Cross-Country Vehicle Trials - CCVTs mean that the vehicle has to be fitted with a roll-cage and meet ALRC (Association of Land Rover Clubs) specifications. Similar to, but tougher than RTV.

Caravanning and Camping - Quite a large number of club members enjoy the caravan rallies, which are held from January to December. Some meetings are quiet and peaceful, whilst others are linked to competitive events.

Club Open Days - Organised occasionally to give drivers a chance to drive their vehicles off-road, keeping as clean or getting as muddy as they like! Usually open to non-members and other marques of vehicle too.

Green Lane Trips - Carefully organised to adhere to the relevant Code of Conduct. These can be a day or weekend and are great fun, with friendly people and fantastic countryside views.

Recovery - A popular section of the club, supplying drivers and vehicles for recovery and transport purposes at events such as point to points, hill trials, charity events, or any event where the organisers require a transport facility or vehicle recovery facilities - especially under off-road conditions.

4x4 Response - A relatively new section set up to assist our local communities when they are in need, usually severe weather related but assistance is offered for any civil emergency such as area evacuation or transport in the event of serious accident not easily accessible by road. Working in partnership with local authorities to enable them to continue delivering some of their essential services when required, trained & DBS checked volunteers offer a 24/7 callout in the West Midlands and adjoining counties.