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Alvis Register Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 2006

Alwoodley Motor Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1971

Amman & District Motor Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Activities Autotests, Marshalling, Motorsport UK Regional Association, Rallying

About Us

Amman is a very succesful South Wales Motor Club that enjoys all forms of motorsport but its not just about competing. Come and join us every Wednesday evening from 8:30 p.m onwards at Pontardawe Rugby Club, SA84EG in the Swansea Valley.
Every 3rd Wednesday is a round of the Indoor Championship even if you don`t drive or navigate come along and have some fun.

Full social calender planned for the year.

Ammanford Motor Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1987
Activities Marshalling, Rallying

Anglia Motor Sports Club Ltd.

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 2013
Activities Autotests, Car Trials, Marshalling, Rallying, Sprints, Touring Assemblies

Anglian Land Rover Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 2006

About Us


Anglian Rover Owners’ Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1968

About Us

Off road 4 x 4 events at local club level. Trials events with a friendly personal approach. for more info including event and contact details visit
or find us on facebook

Arran Car Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 2004
Activities Autotests

Ashford Kent Motor Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1935

Association Of British Kart Clubs

Club Information

Member Type Regional Association
Year Club Established 1990

About Us

The ABkC represents approximately thirty kart clubs in the UK, almost all of the active clubs. The ABkC, which was formed in 1990, is `governed` by a steering group. The ABKC is recognised as the Regional Association for kart clubs. The ABkC has a seat on the Motorsport UK Regional Committee, Kart Committee and Kart Technical Working Group.

The ABkC helps to formulate the kart class regulations in close liaison with Motorsport UK. For more details please visit our website

Association Of Central Southern MC

Club Information

Member Type Regional Association

About Us

The Association of Central Southern Motor Clubs has grown into one of the most active Regional Associations in the country.

The Association's main activities are:

< Organising Regional Championships for Autotest, AutoSOLO, Sprint, Hillclimb and Stage Rallies.
< Supporting and promoting the growth of our member Clubs through our Regional meetings and spin-off activities to develop and grow our sport.
< Encouraging newcomers into motor sport as Competitors, Marshals, and Organisers.
< Representing the interests of our Clubs in communication and collaborative working with Motorsport UK through Regional Committee and less formal engagement, for the benefit of all.
< Being ambassadors for presenting motor sport in a positive and pro-active way to our wider communities.

Association Of Classic Trial Clubs

Club Information

Member Type Recognised Group
Year Club Established 1978
Activities Car Trials, Recognised Groups/Associations

About Us

What is a Classic Trial ?

Firstly, the point has to be made that classic trials are not just for classic cars or bikes, although many do take part. Classic trials are for all sorts of cars and motorbikes. What is “classic” about classic trials is the format of the events.

Today’s classic trials reflect the style that was prevalent in the 1930s when works teams from Ford, Austin, Singer, MG and others battled it out for advertising honours over long distances and the steep muddy slopes of the country. The route is used primarily to get from one slope to the next and the timing is used mainly to keep the whole event on some sort of schedule rather than as a way of penalising competitors. Many of the observed sections, which is the name given to the muddy slopes on which one’s performance is observed are the same ones which were used at that time and are still as capable of challenging modern vehicles as they were then.

The average modern classic trial runs to about 70-100 miles on roads in between the observed sections. There are usually 14-18 sections to each event with a variety of different surfaces to test your skills. The events are scored by markers by the side of the section, numbered from 12 at the bottom down to 1 at the top. Marks are scored by getting the front wheel(s) past the marker. At the end of the day the driver/rider with the lowest score is the winner. Sometimes sections will include a stop & restart test. If you remember the trauma of the hill start when you were learning to drive, this gives you some idea of this test, but now you are asked to do the same on a 1 in 4 hill on thick mud or greasy rock, without rolling back so much as an inch. In addition there is usually a tie deciding speed test to resolve competition between drivers/riders who have scored the same number of penalties.

Each year there are about 20-25 of these trials each organised by one of the member clubs that comprise The Association of Classic Trials Clubs (ACTC). Numbers are normally limited to between 60 and 100 competitors. About 16 of the events make up the ACTC annual championships, the two main awards for cars in this being the ‘Wheelspin Trophy’ with points awarded for overall position and the ‘Crackington Cup’ with points awarded based on position in class. There are two awards for motorcycles – the Pouncy League for solos and the Red Rose Bowl for 3-wheelers.

Association Of Eastern Motor Clubs

Club Information

Member Type Regional Association
Year Club Established 1953

Association Of Land Rover Clubs Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1984

Association Of Motor Sport Recovery Operators

Club Information

Member Type Marshals Club
Year Club Established 2005

About Us

AMRO members form part of the mandatory "Safety Triangle" (Doctor, Rescue & Recovery) of services present on Motorsport events and our role extends to Rescue Assistance, Incident Management, Communications and Recovery duties. Our members are trained and assessed several times a year to the Motorsport UK requirements.

AMRO also provide recovery training and assessments on behalf of Motorsport UK.

Membership of AMRO is open to all Motorsport UK Recovery Licence holders including trainees.

Association Of North East & Cumbria C C

Club Information

Member Type Regional Association
Year Club Established 1952

Association Of North East Midlands M C

Club Information

Member Type Regional Association
Activities Marshalling, Motorsport UK Regional Association, Rallying, Recognised Groups/Associations

About Us

Created on the 5th of July 1961, and originally called the Lincolnshire Association of Motor Clubs, it was on the 28th of November 1963 when the Association of North East Midland Motor Clubs was recognised by the R.A.C. (Royal Automobile Club) and has since been the link between its member clubs and the now governing body for four-wheel motorsport in the UK, Motorsport UK, who provides guidance & support for any member of a motor club.

Association Of North Western C C

Club Information

Member Type Regional Association
Year Club Established 1957

About Us

Formed in 1957, the Association of North-Western Car Clubs is one of 13 Motor Sport Associations across the UK, answerable to the governing body, Motorsport UK, to administer and encourage motor sport in the area. Our representation on Motorsport UK Regional Committee provides a direct link between our own club members and the governing body.
Geographically, our official area of responsibility is quite small, comprising mainly Merseyside, Cheshire and the North-East of Wales. In reality our area of operation is extensive, with over 120 member clubs from a much larger area, who organise events far and wide, many of which are rounds of our various championships for the members of those clubs, covering most motor sport disciplines and catering for both novice and expert competitors.
We also have officials on Motorsport UK committees and a wealth of knowledge that we willingly share with our members.
On our website, you can discover information about our member clubs and their upcoming events, comprehensive championship details, and frequently updated championship standings. If you're interested in participating in any of our championships, you'll also find a registration form. Additionally, you can access information about our quarterly meetings, where representatives from member clubs can voice their opinions on various motorsport-related subjects. We also maintain an archive of past meeting minutes for your reference.

Association Of Northern C C

Club Information

Member Type Regional Association

Association Of Northern Ireland C C

Club Information

Member Type Regional Association