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Jowett Car Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club

About Us

The Oldest One-Make Car Club in the World. Established 1923 and on a computer since 1974.

The Jowett Car Club is international and offers a monthly magazine, library, parts, spares, technical information, events, motorsport, rallying and global contributions from its members. It celebrates Classic British Cars made in Bradford- namely- Jupiter, Javelin, Bradford, Jason, Black Prince, Curlew, Kestrel, Weasel, Flying Fox, Falcon, Long Four, Focus, Blackbird, Kingfisher, Black Prince, Wren, Grey Knight, Silverdale, Chummy, 7cwt Van, Short Two.
Please visiting the website to read the joining form

Karting Legends

Club Information

Member Type Kart Club
Year Club Established 2015
Activities Kart Racing

Kentish Border Car Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1934

About Us

Dedicated to the promotion of sporting trials and historic sporting trials. The Club organises events that are both included in the Motorsports UK championship and at club level. The Club is broadly based in the South East, but runs events throughout the South of England in pursuit of the best venues.

Kidderminster Motor Car Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1971
Activities Autotests, Car Trials, Marshalling, Rallying, Touring Assemblies

About Us

Kidderminster Motor Car Club meet every Monday
(except first Monday of each month) at the
Hare & Hounds Country Inn
on A450 at Shenstone
(map ref 139/8615 7367)

Kidwelly Motor Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 2009
Activities Autotests, Rallying

About Us

Kidwelly Motor Club was originally started in 2009.
We organize many rallies to help raise money for the club and charities.
The Club grows stronger every year and we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our members for their continued support and dedication to the club.

Kings Lynn & District Motor Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1952
Activities Marshalling, Rallying, Touring Assemblies

About Us

Please see our main web site for full details.

Kirkby Lonsdale Motor Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1955
Activities Autotests, Hill Climbing, Motorsport UK Regional Association, Rallying

About Us

We produce a monthly newletter which is available to all on our website. Our monthly meetings are at The Gilpin Bridge Inn every 3rd Wednesday of the month, but check website for the programme for May, June, July and August as the meetings are sometimes away from home!. There is much interest in road, stage and classic rallying both in organising and competing or just doing it for fun; we have our own championships in all disciplines.

2005 was our Jubillee Year

Knighton Motor Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1974

Knockhill Motor Sports Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 2010
Activities Car Racing, Sprints

Knowldale Car Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1952
Activities Autocross, Autotests, Car Racing, Hill Climbing, Kart Racing, Rallying, Sprints

Knutsford & District Motor Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1958
Activities Autotests, Cross Country, Car Trials, Hill Climbing, Rallying, Sprints

About Us

Knutsford & DMC is an active club serving members in the area surrounding Knutsford in Cheshire. Our major interests are Rallying, AutoSolos and Autotesting, but we have members interested in all forms of motorsport and we also run an active social programme. Please visit our own website at for more information about our activities including details of how to join, where and when we meet, coming events etc.
We regularly meet on Monday evenings (except Bank Holidays) from about 8pm at the Kilton Inn, about 2 miles north of Knutsford on the A50, with the second Monday in the month a special Social evening.
We run a number of major event each year ;
• The Plains Rally, a BTRDA Championship round, which has its own website at
• 2004 saw the inaugural running of our daytime Historic road rally, the Tour of Cheshire,, which now runs annually in March as a round of the HRCR Clubman Championship.
• In 2017 we run our first Targa event the Knutsford Targa Rally,
We are past winners of the MSA Motor Club of the Year Award, and have been Champion Club in the Association of North Western Car Clubs on several occasions.
Our members include a number who are active and successful at national level in Stage Rallying, Historic Rallying and Autotesting. Our own competition programme includes Scatters, 12-Car Rallies, AutoSolo’s and Autotests (on grass and tarmac), as well as our major events the Plains Rally, the Tour of Cheshire, the Targa Rally and our MSA/BTRDA Championship Tim Sargeant Memorial Autotest.
The Club is also very active in the marshalling arena on both our own and other Clubs` events, including Wales Rally GB.
New members are always made very welcome - please contact our membership secretary, e-mail the webmaster or Secretary, or come along to one of our meetings.

Lagonda Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1959

Lampeter & District Motor Club Ltd.

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1978
Activities Autotests, Marshalling, Rallying

About Us

The Club meets every second Wednesday of the Month at the Rugby Club in Lampeter at 7.30pm.

Lancashire Automobile Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1902
Activities Car Racing, Hill Climbing, Marshalling, Rallying, Sprints, Touring Assemblies

About Us

The Lancashire Automobile Club Founded in 1902 and a member of the MSA Centurions
Serving motor sport and the Lancashire motorist for over 120 years!

Founded in 1902, the Lancashire Automobile Club is committed to organising and facilitating all forms of motor sport, as well as providing a voice for the North West motorist through its unique association with the RAC Foundation.

Our Events
St George’s Day Run
Celebrating the heritage of motorcars in Great Britain.

Fellsman Rally
A fun navigational challenge for those so inclined.

The Coast-to-Coast Classic Car Run
Travelling from the West to the East coast via the most scenic roads we can find –

Welsh Tour
Breathtaking scenery and fabulous company taking in the best Waleshas to offer.

Plus Our Social Events
Motorsport Luncheons
With prestigious speakers from the world of motorsport.

Our Annual Dinner Dance and Prizegiving

Outings and Get-Togethers
Noggins-and-natters, outings and meals, talks and films.

Marshalling Opportunities
E.g. FIA World Rally Championship Wales Rally GB.

Discount entry to events for members.

Regular ‘All Torque’ members’ magazine.

For more information, see contact details overleaf, visit

Lancia Motor Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club

Larne Motor Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Activities Autocross, Autotests, Hill Climbing, Rallying, Sprints

About Us

Back in 1954 a group of enthusiasts in the Larne area of Co. Antrim decided to form a Motor Club and explore the idea of staging events and so Larne Motor Club was formed.

Our first event was one year later and was so called the Starlight Rally, which consisted of regularity sections and
cross road autotests held throughout the night.

The Suez crisis meant that there were no further events held until 1957. A stage format emerged in
60's and in the 70's the name became the Texaco Rally. Billy Coleman was the last to win the event in 1974.

In 1974, Larne Motor Club staged its first national event in Boyd's Quarry and it was britain's first ever european
rallycross champion, John Taylor who took the honours. With the help of the famous Boyds, Adrian and Derek, the Boyd's Autodrome was created and became the home of N.Ireland's rallycross. The venue soon became famous with its incredible "yump" which was a talking point in the sport throughout Europe.

The club can reasonably claim that we had the first properly sponsored motoring event in Ireland, as the Starlight Rally in its first year had backing from Regent Oils. In the 70's the club had regular slots on television with BBC N.Ireland. We still actively seek sponsors for all our events and are one of the very few who have had televised events shown on the BBC, Eurosport, UTV and TV3. In 1987 we organized a "Made for TV" event, a Rallycross Challenge, which attracted britain's top competitors. Other made for TV events have included tandem

In 1987 the club moved Rallycross to Nutts Corner Motorsport Centre, with the assistance of the circuit owners Antrim Borough Council. Here we have staged many successful events from a European Challenge to a round of the British Rallycross Championship, the Ulster Rallycross Grand Prix. It was for this event that the BTRDA awarded them the Andy Sargent Trophy for the best organised and promoted event.

Over the years the club have organised autotests, sprints, and hillclimbs, these events are variously rounds of the
N.Ireland and RAC Championships. The latest addition is a rally time trial event to give the clubman and opportunity to enjoy competition at as low a cost as possible. We also appear regularly at the local Civic Week parade, (now Larne Alive) with an array of cars and the heavily sponsored club caravan and trailer. During the week of the civic festival we have added to the excitement with an autotest which has been held on the Main Street.

Being from Northern Ireland and with a hospitality reputation to live up to we can advise you that our annual prize giving dinner dance is an experience on its own.

Many famous names have competed in the clubs events such as Paddy Hopkirk, Adrian and Derek Boyd, Beattie Crawford, Russ Swift, Martin Donnelly (his first competitive event after his horrific accident in Spain was a Larne Motor Club event), Martin Schanke, Will Gollop, John Taylor, John Welch, the Iversons from Norway, Dimi Mavropoulos, Barry McGuigan the boxing world champion, Denis Biggerstaff, Kenny McKinstry, and indeed the WRC star Colin McRae who began his career in autotests at a Larne event, so the list goes on.

The club epitomises what motorsport is all about, we promote motorsport at all levels, encourage young competitors and officials, promote safety, are involved in the local community, actively involve sponsors, attract television, and last but not least we enjoy doing this.

Launceston & North Cornwall

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Activities Autotests, Marshalling, Touring Assemblies

About Us

We are a small friendly club - the best specialist trials club in Cornwall. Get in touch if you would like to join us and find out more if you would like to compete or marshal on our events.

Lea Francis Owners Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1953

About Us

For Cllub news, regalia, vehicle information and marque history visit our website:

Leicestershire & Rutland Land Rover Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1989

Lightning Motor Sports Club