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Caernarvonshire & Anglesey Motor Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1936
Activities Autotests, Car Trials, Marshalling, Motorsport UK Regional Association, Rallying, Recognised Groups/Associations, Touring Assemblies

Caithness Car Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1955

Caledonian Classic & Hist MSC

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1998
Activities Autotests, Rallying, Touring Assemblies

About Us

Based in Scotland, Caledonian Classic and Historic Motor Sport Club (CCHMSC) run a varied programme of events throughout the year. From tours that take you to some of the most remote and beautiful parts of Scotland, as well as trips to the continent, to historic rallies that include special "autotest" style tests.

A full diary of events, along with reports and videos of past events is availableon the clubs website,

Camberley Kart Club

Club Information

Member Type Kart Club
Year Club Established 1960

Cambridge Car Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1950
Activities Autotests, Car Trials, Marshalling, Rallying, Touring Assemblies

About Us

Cambridge's motorsport club involved in the promotion, marshaling and competing in Rallies, Autotests, Car Trials and Touring Assemblies.
Member of Anglia Motor Sport Club

Camel Vale Motor Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1955
Activities Autocross, Autotests, Car Trials, Hill Climbing

About Us

Formed as the Kickstart Club on 1 August 1952, in1956 was joined by the Wadebridge & District MC and The Bodmin Light Car Club and re-named the Camel Vale Motor Club catering for both 2 and 4 wheels. . By 1963 the Club had split into two separate clubs The Camel Vale Motor Club and the Camel Vale Motor Cycle Club to accommodate the rapidly increasing number of car owners at the end of petrol rationing after the Suez Canal crisis
The Car Club has a membership of just over 200 from across the country. Twenty or so events are run each year, offering a choice of Autotests, Hillclimbs, Navigational Scatters, Classic Trials, Sporting Trials and Car Trials. In 2021 we are proposing to run our first AutoCross event for around 30 years, times have changed ! We have occasional Social Events but with so many competitions to run we count all our events as 'social' and all members are welcome to assist at all events.
In the early years Club Chairman Gerald Hammett and Club Secretary John Crowle held regular committee meetings at Treningle Café near Bodmin. Most competitions were motorcycle trials attracting a youthful band of enthusiastic members. Summer motorcycle Scrambles at Gerald Hammett’s farm at Trevorrick, St Issey attracted racers from all over Cornwall and beyond. Car owning members carried out marshalling duties on the local sections of the trials. The brain testing Annual Voyager’s Rally for cars and a few brave motorcyclists was organised by Dave Hilliard (later Club President). This involved searching for complex navigation clues to be able to complete the slow speed rally course.
At the Annual General Meeting in January 1958, Jerry Jermey of Bodmin became Club Secretary and Evan Holman of Camelford was elected the new position of Car Competition Secretary with the task of organising competitive events for road-going family cars to increase the number of car owning members. These competitive events led to off-road Mud Plugs and Auto Tests against the stopwatch on the dis-used Davidstow Airfield. More serious competitions soon included a standing quarter mile sprint for cars and motocycles at Davidstow Airfield attracting entries from a wide area. New Club Chairman Ken Huthnance provided a level field beside the river Camel at Wadebridge for twice a Summer Autocross (racing on grass) to the delight of many paying spectators which swelled club finances to a healthy balance.
For several years Club Secretary Jerry Jermey had the huge task of providing the paperwork for the many motorcycle trials as well as duplicating late into the night for the busy and demanding Car Competition Secretary. As car membership grew in the early 60’s, motorcycle and car competitions became more specialised and Edna Broadbelt came to the rescue as Car Secretary.
In 1970 the motor cycle section broke away and formed the Camel Vale Motor Cycle Club.
The 1970’s saw Camel Vale Motor Club running Sprints at the Royal Cornwall Show Ground near Wadebridge for the first time. The club was also heavily committed in organising many other disciplines such as Autocross, Autotest, Car Trials and Road Rallies. It was also the decade when we ran our first Stage Rally using some of the best forest roads in Cornwall.
Fast forward to the year 2000 and the club ran its first Speed Hill Climb at “Castle” near Lostwithiel which continues to this day.
2021 saw the club run its first Autocross in over 30 years and we hope this will be an annual event in September as part of Motorsport Month in the south west
In 2022, we were invited to co-promote the closed road Watergate Sprint alongside Truro and District Motor Club, Plymouth Motor Club and Newquay Auto Club.

Cannock & District Car Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1971
Activities Autotests, Marshalling, Rallying, Sprints

About Us

The club was formed in 1971 and has grown to become a very active organisation involved in many forms of motorsport. Prospective members, as well as old friends of the club, are welcome at any club night. We meet every FIRST Wednesday evening from 21:00hrs. at The LIDO CLUB, 58 School Rd., NORTON CANES, CANNOCK, STAFFS. WS11 9SQ

Over the past couple of years we have run some very successful AutoTests & AutoSolos for the BTRDA championships, attracting competitors from all over the UK. We also have a very active group of members who regularly assist other clubs in the organisation of Stage Rallies and Autotests / AutoSolos in the form of marshalling.

One of the highlights of the CDCC calendar is the clubs annual Awards evening. This is usually held every February and the awards cover every discipline, two of the most prestigious being ‘Driver’ and ‘Clubman of the year’.

Motorsport we are involved in

Stage Rallies;

This is at present the most popular discipline within the club. Rallies take the form of single venue events held on airfields right through to multi venue forest events. Culminating in international events such as British Rally Championship and World Rally Championship events. In recent years the club has enjoyed considerable success in the AWMMC Heart of England Rally Championship.


If spanners are your thing then you could join one of the CDCC teams on an event. Enjoy being part of a team and help keep the car in the event despite the drivers best efforts to break it. Lots of fun without the bills!

Autotests / Autosolos

Easily described as driving as quickly as you can around a set of cones. Autotests are an excellent way to push your car control skills to the limit and best of all, you can use any car with little preparation needed. In an Autotest you will have a passenger on-board to give you directions, whereas with an AutoSolo, there is no one but yourself to blame if you receive the dreaded Wrong Test!! Currently we organise 6 "StreetCar" AutoSolo events @ Curborough Sprint Course, combining these events into a "Wheelspin StreetCar Series."


Sprinting has been popular within recent years. Club members have competed in Midlands and other regional championships at venues as far a field as Goodwood in the south and Aintree near Liverpool. Sprinting is closely related to the discipline of Hillclimbing


What would we do without them? "Not a lot" is the answer! Marshals are essential to the running of any event, be it a club level Autotest right the way up to a WRC stage! Many of our active competitors marshal when they are not competing. As a club, we regularly provide marshals to the organisers of events. The club benefits from having some very experienced marshals within its ranks who are only to happy to pass on their experience to potential new marshals. So if you want to see what Motor Sport is all about give our chief marshal call or e-mail, it`s fun to do and you see a lot more and get involved in how it all works.

Carlton & District Motor Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1963
Activities Marshalling, Motorsport UK Regional Association, Rallying, Recognised Groups/Associations, Touring Assemblies

About Us

Carlton and District Motor Club Ltd "Promoting motorsport in the Midlands since 1963". We meet at The Star Inn in Beeston, Nottingham every first and third Tuesday of every month.

Carmarthen Motor Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1911
Activities Marshalling, Rallying

Castle Combe Racing Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 2005
Activities Car Racing, Marshalling

About Us

Formed to run all car racing at Castle Combe Circuit, the Castle Combe Racing Club provides competitors with well organised and promoted meetings, strong competitive grids, and a variety of classes. All within an environment that recognises that drivers are the customers who make the whole sport possible.

For spectators, a promise to work towards varied race programmes with full grids, strong local championships and, wherever possible to run the type of racing and events you want to see, providing a great value for money day out. For tickets visit the Circuit website.

If you cannot yet afford to compete yet would like to be more involved with the action, Marshalling can be just the place to give you the perfect insight into how to race once you are out there, the correct racing line, the positioning of the flag points, understanding of the regulations and much more.

Caterham and Lotus Seven Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1996
Activities Hill Climbing, Marshalling, Sprints, Touring Assemblies

About Us

The Caterham and Lotus Seven Club is for owners & enthusiasts alike and among our members are people who own, are building or simply love Caterhams and Lotus Sevens.

The Club is an independent organisation, registered as a company limited by guarantee, run by members for members and enjoys close relationships with a wide range of specialist suppliers who share our passion for the legendary Seven.

Whether it’s touring, racing, driving experiences, track days or social events, Club members can share their experiences of this great car with like-minded people.

Caterham Graduates Racing Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 2003

About Us

The Club was formed in 1998 by a group of racers who participated in the Caterham Scholarship (as it was called at that time) in 1997.

The Club grew significantly as a result of the influx of members from the Scholarship / Academy over several years. 2 of the classes that race in the Club today are the original Academy cars of the late 1990’s and early to mid-2000’s, with the Vauxhall 1600 or Rover 1600 engines. The Vauxhall cars form our Classic Class and the Rover engine cars originally form our Mega Class.

Following Caterham Cars introducing the Ford Sigma engine in 2008 the Club introduced a class for that car (called Sigma) and then introduced the upgraded SigMax (equivalent to the Caterham Supersport).

Today our classes are structured to allow both older and newer Caterhams to compete. Our classes for more modern cars follow the follow the specification of the current Caterham Motorsport Roadsport, 270R and 310R classes.

Many of our members have been with us for years and previous racing members include Jon Barnes (British GT Champion and current Caterham test driver and 2002 Super Graduates runner up), current BTCC driver Oli Jackson, and Caterham’s own Simon Lambert (2002 Super Graduates Champion). Caterham technician Lee Bristow (310R Champion 2017) raced in SigMax in 2016 and was runner up in the Championship.

We draw our membership from Caterham Motorsport, novice racers (including some ex karters), other types of racing and CGRC alumni, returning to race with us. We don’t expect members to upgrade or change their cars – many have raced in the same class for years.

Club ethos

To look to provide the best in fair, close and competitive Caterham racing in a social and friendly environment. This is very much as it has always been, and something we very much value. We are very friendly / sociable paddock, we have social events, often with a fund-raising theme, as well as an end of season awards dinner.

Central Sussex Motor Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1966
Activities Autotests, Car Trials, Rallying

Champions Kart Club

Club Information

Member Type Kart Club
Year Club Established 2023

Chasewater Kart Racing Club

Club Information

Member Type Kart Club
Year Club Established 1959

Chelmsford Motor Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club

About Us

Chelmsford Motor Club is one of the most active motor clubs in East Anglia with over 400 members who regularly organise and take part in: Stage Rallies, Endurance Rallies, Road Rallies, Historic Road Rallies, Autotests, Autosolos, Car Trials and a Winter Series 12 car club championship. There is also an active marshalling group who attend the Rally GB and many other events.

Members compete successfully and have a wealth of knowledge in most types of motor sport at local, national and international events across Britain and the rest of Europe.

We are members of the AEMC, EMAMC, ACSMC, and ASEMC Regional Associations.

We organise single venue special stage rally at Brands Hatch, the East Anglian Classic Historic Road Rally, The Preston Road Rally, several popular Targa Rallies, and a Winter Series of 12 Car, scatter and regularity Rallies.

In 2018 the club was the first in England to run a closed road rally, the Corbeau Seats Rally Tendring & Clacton.

In 2024 we have some new military venues being developed for targa and stage rallying, as well as a tarmac autotest, so it promises to be an exciting year.

Cheltenham & Cotswold Rover Owners Club Ltd

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1990

About Us

Established now for over 25 years CCROC is a Land Rover specific club based in the Cheltenham and Cotswolds area.

Our primary activities are off road trials normally held on a monthly basis in the local area with a hotly contested club league table. These vary in severity from those suited to novices to much more challenging events.

The club is also very active in sending teams to represent us at other 4x4 trials whether it be regional trials or orientation and navigation events, and has good success in them.

When not trialling, we have green laning trips or winch competitions and there is a monthly social gathering at one of our local pubs.

As a non profit making organisation we enjoy raising funds for charity whenever possible
and the club is an invaluable resource for members in giving advice or support.

Cheltenham Motor Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1908
Activities Autotests, Marshalling, Motorsport UK Regional Association, Rallying, Recognised Groups/Associations

Cheshire Land Rover Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 2008

Chester Vintage Enthusiasts Club

Club Information

Member Type Motor Club
Year Club Established 1978

About Us

The Club caters for owners of and those interested in Classic, Pre-war, Vintage and Veteran Cars.
Members receive a monthly Newsletter and the club organises events throughout the summer.
The Club meets monthly, on the second Tuesday, at The Cheshire View, Plough Lane Christleton.