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Clubs & Organisers

Safeguarding Policies & Guidance for Clubs

There are a number of different policies, procedures and guidance documents which clubs should have in place to manage and mitigate risks and to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the club and its members.

This section of the toolkit contains advice and templates for clubs, to help ensure they have robust safeguarding policies, procedures and guidance documents available to their members.

Writing your Club's Safeguarding Policy and Procedure

Safeguarding Policy and Procedure Template

It is recommended that all Motorsport UK clubs have publicly available documents which outline their position to certain documents. This section of the toolkit provides template documents to assist clubs in how they will manage the below topics.

  • Anti-bullying template
  • Communicating safely with children and adults at risk – Coming Soon
  • Supporting people with additional needs – Coming Soon
  • Photography and filming – Coming Soon