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Safeguarding is making sure that all club members can do what they love. All peoples, regardless of discipline, should be able to take part in a motorsport community within the UK that is free from all forms of harassment and abuse. Motorsport UK takes the issue of safeguarding very seriously and wants to support clubs in ensuring they take the correct steps to provide a safe motorsport environment.

Statutory Obligations

Although the legislation is unique for each of the four nations, the underlying principles are the same:  

  • Children have the right to be safe 
  • Organisations have duties to prevent harm to children by promoting their welfare and wellbeing 
  • Concerns that a child is at risk of harm should be reported to appropriate agencies at the earliest opportunity 

Motorsport UK’s Safeguarding Team

Motorsport UK has a dedicated Safeguarding team, not only to ensure that as a National Governing Body we meet our statutory and moral obligations in this area but also to support the growing demands of our membership, clubs, and communities. The Safeguarding Team is made up of three people, each with distinct roles and responsibilities related to Motorsport UK’s vision for safeguarding. These are:

  • Vickie Lewis, Head of Safeguarding
  • To be appointed, Safeguarding & Welfare Case Manager
  • Ciara Nicholson, Safeguarding Officer
  • Amy Wood, Case Coordinator

As well as support in the event of a safeguarding case or incident, the Safeguarding Team also works to develop training and resources to increase awareness, train Club Safeguarding Officers, and promote a positive culture in British motorsport. As a Motorsport UK Recognised Club, it is important that you meet both the statutory obligations placed on you in law, and also your moral duties to enable children, young people, and adults at risk to participate in motorsport in a safe way. Everyone in your club should be aware of how they can keep club members safe and promote their welfare. Some of the types of abuse that people in your community might face include: 

  • Physical abuse
  • Sexual abuse
  • Emotional abuse
  • Neglect

Safeguarding is an evolving journey for everyone involved in motorsport in the UK. Whether you are just starting the journey, and want to understand more about what safeguarding is, or are an established club with a safeguarding officer in place, looking for more training, Motorsport UK is here to support you in every step. For guidance and suggestions of additional resources, email the Motorsport UK Club & Community Development Team at

Club Safeguarding Officers

Policies and Guidance

Delivering Safe Events