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Clubs & Organisers

Marketing Accreditation

Introducing the Marketing Accreditation for Clubs – a way for your Club or Regional Association to showcase their marketing endeavours, wherever you are on your journey. 

Marketing is an essential driver in making sure your club keeps going and holding motorsport events. Communicating with your members, publicising events and entry forms, attracting new people to the sport – these are all key elements of club life which are accomplished through marketing.  

In conjunction with the marketing sections of the Club Toolkit, the Accreditation focuses on three main areas: 

  • Marketing Strategy 
  • Marketing Methods 
  • Digital Marketing 

By achieving this accreditation, not only do you recognise the incredible hard work and dedication of your club volunteers, but you can also improve and expand your marketing with your club by getting new ideas, developing your plans, and expanding how you communicate with your members.  

All the requirements to achieve the accreditation have corresponding guides in the Club Toolkit, so no need to worry if you don’t know where to start! 

To find out more about the accreditation, click below to read the information and guidelines for application – this will tell you everything about the accreditation and answer any questions you may have. Additionally, if you have any questions about the process or the accreditation, contact the Club & Community Development Team at 

Marketing Accreditation Webinar Recording

In July 2023, Our Team sat down to chat about and go through the Marketing Accreditation. Covering several areas from the different requirements to the process of application and what you need, we discuss why it is important to think about marketing for your club.

To watch back the recording and find out more about how your Club can get involved, please watch below.

Information and Guidelines for Application

Application Form

Self-Assessment Quiz