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Clubs & Organisers

Digital Marketing

A key objective for many motor clubs and organisations is staying connected with their members and volunteers as well as reaching out to new members. One way to do this is with a clear and effective website. You can find guides to building an effective website and email marketing below.

Building an Effective Website

Email Marketing

There are also a number of social media channels available that provide excellent platforms to support this.

Before you start

There are a few important considerations to think about, even if your club has been using social media for some time!

  • Make sure you are informed when it comes to social media safety, and you’re your club have a social media policy, so you can look after the welfare of your club members at all times.
  • If your club needs to write a social media policy, you can view the Motorsport UK policy here and adopt this policy for your club. You can find a template here.
  • Talk to your club’s committee, members, and volunteers about how they might be able to contribute to your social channels at this time. Encourage them to be open and realistic so you can identify who is best placed to help!
  • If there are people at your club who aren’t usually involved with the committee but are comfortable with social media, ask them if they’d be happy to contribute.
  • Social media doesn’t work for everyone, talk to your members about how engaged they are with social media and work out which platforms might be best.
  • If you know you will be sharing important information via your social channels, make sure you have a plan for getting this information to members who don’t have access to social media.

To help you with your Digital Marketing, below you will find a social media policy template, plus guides for different social media channels.




As well as these helpful guides, there are also webinars which focus on ways you can implement digital marketing to best promote your Club. These range from topics like social media, to emails, to creating a content plan for your Club.

Monthly Marketing Show: Episode 1
Monthly Marketing Show: Episode 2
Club Webinar: Communicate Better, a Guide to Mailchimp