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Clubs & Organisers

Club Structure

Having a solid structure for your club is one of the keys to having success. Managing processes well, and allocating and delegating responsibilities can have a profound and positive effect on the way your club is run and the events you hold. In this section, we focus on the essential building blocks of a Club. You will find a lot of resources which explain the foundations your club should have in place such as your committee members, and the ways in which the elements of your club and its running can improve such as its meetings.

Role Descriptions

Below we have created some role descriptions for the different volunteer positions in a club’s committee. They detail the duties and responsibilities of the wide range of club roles there are in a club, as well as the skills and qualities they may need. Making sure that each person is aware of what they have to do makes for a successful club who can reach their full potential.

Feel free to use these role descriptions when advertising roles in your AGM, or any other time, so that potential Club Officials can know what is expected of them.




Chief Marshal

Safeguarding Officer

Membership Secretary

Competition Secretary

Press Officer


One of the main ways that Clubs convene is through having meetings. To make sure you have useful meetings in your club and they run smoothly, there are some resources and processes that your Club could implement.

  • Club Meetings – goes through all the different types of meetings that your Club could have and how to make the best of them
  • AGM Checklist – a handy checklist with all the things you need to remember and do before your Club’s Annual General Meeting
  • Top tips for running a good meeting – want to make the most out of your meeting? Follow these easy tips to make sure that your Club meetings go to plan.

Nowadays it is normal to have meetings online through software like Zoom and Teams. Not only does it allow people to join from anywhere with internet connection, but it can save members travel time and money. Check out these guides to virtual and hybrid meetings to see how your Club can make the best of going online:

Coming soon… Guide to GDPR and Membership Records, Constitutions, and more!