There are many benefits to becoming Motorsport UK Recognised

Clubs & Organisers

Club Recognition

Details of motor clubs seeking to become Motorsport UK Recognised or existing clubs wishing to change their name will be announced here for a period of four weeks.

Clubs can register as Motor Clubs, Kart Clubs, Kart Sections of Motor Clubs or Marshal Clubs. Groups or Associations of Clubs are required to register separately.

There are many benefits to becoming Motorsport UK Recognised. If you are interested in becoming a Motorsport UK Recognised Club or Group, please click here for an information pack.

Motor Clubs applying for recognition:

To apply for Recognition please forward:

  • A copy of your Club Constitution/Rules. A draft copy can be obtained from the Information Pack.
  • Copies of your Safeguarding, GDPR and Social Media (if applicable) policies
  • Proof that your club has a minimum of 25 members (names, addresses, etc)
  • Details of which Motorsport UK Regional Association you have joined/in the process of joining

Once the above information has been submitted to Motorsport UK, the club will be announced on this page for a period of four weeks.

After this four week period is completed, with no objections from other Motorsport UK member clubs, an application form will be emailed to the applicant enabling you to confirm your clubs officials and make payment. Motorsport UK Recognised Clubs that wish to object to the recognition of any of the clubs listed below should email a letter (on club headed paper) outlining their concerns to the Competitions and Clubs Team of Motorsport UK.

New Clubs must join a Regional Association, as a suggestion you may opt to join nearest one which is most convenient for you to attend their meetings, however many now use online facilities such as Microsoft Teams and Zoom. It is recommended to look at when the Associations have their next meeting as some may meet more regularly than others.

All Motorsport UK Registered Clubs will be listed here.

28th May 2024
Norn Iron Classic Minis
Contact: Sonia Brazao

6th June 2024
Clwb Moduro y Ddraig Fach
Contact: Philip Barley

Change of name:

Motorsport UK Recognised clubs wishing to change their name are required to forward a copy of the minutes of the meeting where the name change was proposed, as well as an updated Club Constitution, to Motorsport UK.