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Training is tailored to the individual needs


Marshals’ Training

Motorsport UK volunteer marshals are required to attend regular training days to acquire and maintain their marshalling grades. Training is delivered using a modular approach tailored to the individual’s needs.

There are well over 100 marshals’ training events organised and delivered nationwide by licensed Motorsport UK Trainers throughout the year.

Their high level of training means that Motorsport UK registered marshals are held in high regard across the globe. Over 500 British marshals regularly attend a wide range of overseas events each year – at the invitation of the organisers – to share their expertise.

Training modules

Motorsport UK has a number of training modules available to aid the development of its marshals.  These modules are normally delivered by licensed Motorsport UK Trainers either at large training sessions, club evenings or if just a few individuals wish to get together.

If you or your club are interested in receiving marshal training, please contact Motorsport UK via or your Regional Association who will be able to offer you further guidance.

Marshals Development Pathway

Progression through the marshalling ranks is managed by the Motorsport UK Marshals Development Pathway.

The pathways have been designed to provide specific skills training to allow an individual to progress from cadet marshalling through to specialised marshalling roles in each discipline of the sport.

The pathways also include grades for marshals who work off-track in the pits, paddock, assembly area and race control, where event communications and administration are based.

Details of the Marshals Development Pathway for each of the disciplines can be found HERE.

Online Training 

To ensure that everyone has a common understanding of their roles and responsibilities on an event, including the management of spectators and handling of incidents, Motorsport UK has launched an online training course which is available by logging in and visiting the Learning Hub. This online course consists of 4 short learning modules and an assessment and, on average, takes less than 30 minutes to complete.

Once you have completed the online course, you may then apply to become a Registered Marshal with Motorsport UK. This can be done via the member portal and allows you to volunteer for any type of event to assist the marshalling team. Please inform the organising club if you are just starting out on your marshalling journey or are new to the discipline – they will then ensure that you are supported by someone with the appropriate experience.

To access the online training, please click here and either login if you are an existing Motorsport UK member, or register if you are new.

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