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Motorsport UK present Ceronetti with Young Driver of the Year 2020 Trophy

Tuesday 05 October 2021

Last month Motorsport UK welcomed 2020 Young Driver of the Year Alessandro Ceronetti to their new Bicester headquarters to receive his trophy from Chairman David Richards CBE and CEO Hugh Chambers (22 September).

Ceronetti was bestowed this prestigious accolade following an assessment day at iZone Performance, in which he underwent a series of challenges to test his fitness, reaction times, SIM work and head-to-head competition.

Due to delays linked to COVID-19, the young driver was unable to receive his award at Motorsport UK’s annual Night of Champions celebration but was instead invited to the new home of Motorsport UK at Bicester Heritage to receive his award.

Motorsport UK Chairman David Richards CBE, and CEO Hugh Chambers, presented Alessandro with the trophy within the governing body’s ‘Story of British Motorsport’ installation. Members of the Motorsport UK Board of Directors expressed their congratulations to Alessandro on his achievement and continued success in the Motorsport UK British Kart Championships.

“It was fantastic to be able to officially present Alessandro with his trophy, which is much deserved following his efforts in the Young Driver of the Year Award final.”, said Katie Baldwin, Competitors Pathway Manager. “Following his graduation from the Motorsport UK Academy Enhanced DiSE programme, Alessandro will start University later this month to complete a Motor Vehicle Technology degree, and we wish him all the best in his continued studies.”