Preparing for the UK exit from the European Union

Thursday 23 January 2020

The following guidance is for the necessary preparations for the U.K. leaving the EU on 31 January.

What is likely to happen?

The European Commission and U.K. have agreed that the  U.K. will leave the European Union on 31 January 2020. We are awaiting specific information from the U.K. government to advise in more detail than the below and it is advised that you check with the relevant national association well in advance of your event as to changes or requirements which affect you.

Consequently the status of all individuals will remain subject to EU rules until  31st January. As such your rights will remain unaffected during this time, and for all events after 31 January 2020 you must ensure that you comply with the requirements below in good time.

What does this mean for me if I want to travel into or through Europe to take part in Motorsport events after this date?

Individual and small teams travelling to events after 31 January 2020 should be aware of the key changes following the anticipated UK departure from the European Union.

So what in particular do I need to think about?:

  • Personal Health Insurance.
  • Green Cards (can take up to a month for insurance companies to issue).
  • Passports (post meeting research shows that passports need to have a minimum of 6 months validity and be less than 10 years old).
  • International Driving Permits.
  • ATA Carnets.

And do remember that all vehicles will need to display a GB sticker.

What do I need to consider in relating to my data, migration and the movement of equipment?

What if I am a settled EU Citizen living in the UK?

Rights for existing EU Citizens in the UK before 31 January 2020 are protected with those EU Citizens encouraged to apply for settled status.

It is proposed that the UK will operate a new Immigration system from 1 January 2021.

EU Citizens arriving before 31 January 2021 will have until 30 June 2021 to apply for settled status and will enjoy the same rights as those present before 31 January 2020.

During the Transition Period those EU Citizens will be subject to criminal records checks but will otherwise enjoy the same benefits as those present before 31 January 2020.

Employers will not be required to distinguish between EU Citizens who arrived before or after 31 January 2020.

UK Citizens will be subject to the respective states immigration rules.

Will I be able to travel to the EU without a visa?

There will be little change, with visa free movement for 90 days in any 180 days for business (meetings & conferences) and tourism.

Sport should therefore be largely unaffected including the movement of support staff where salaried in the UK but if persons are salaried from within the EU this may not be so.

Longer stays and other business activities will be subject to individual states immigration rules.

Coaching Overseas might be subject to the coach requiring a visa.

EU Citizens working in the EU for a UK body would remain as is until 31 December 2020.

Will my current UK health care insurance be sufficient for travel?

Please check with your healthcare provider to see whether you are covered in Europe, as you may need to take out further insurance to provide the necessary cover.

Will my current Green card be sufficient?

UK drivers will require more documentation to drive on EU highways, particularly with regard to Green Cards, and this includes Ireland.

In addition, a Green Card is required for each trailer or caravan in addition to the tow vehicle.

Will I need an International Driving Permit (IDP)?

IDPs may be required for travel. The GOV.UK pages shows that there are 3 different IDPs and different requirements for neighbouring EU states and although the majority remain unaffected a 1948 IDP will be required for travel in France.

Arrangements with Ireland are not affected and existing ease of travel between the UK and Ireland remains as is provided the stay is for no longer than 12 months.

What about my equipment which needs to come with me?

As per the requirement for Green Cards see above.

With no deal there will be a return to full customs checks. Small personal items will be subject to oral declaration, other items will requires Carnets.

The existing Carnet system will apply. (note subsequent research shows that these may normally be obtained with 24 hours and that there is an express service available).

Carnets are valid for the goods itemised for multiple movement within 12 months of the date of issue.

The principal ports: Calais, Dover and Folkestone are ready for full customs processing, however, travellers should build in time for the inevitable delays.

Post Exit

DCMS will set up a dedicated Operation Centre, as will other Government Departments, to assist travellers. Specific advice will be provided online for Arzamas funded projects.

We draw competitors’ attention to the following sites for further guidance: