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6-13 Years Old

Cross Country Tyro

From the age of 13, a child can drive on a Tyro Trial. Tyro events are aimed at young drivers, with gentle off-road sections that are taxing enough to get to grips with the car without inflicting damage (reckless driving aside). A child may passenger on a Tyro Trial from the age of 12.

Junior Dragsters

The Junior Dragsters class invites children from eight-years-old to take on the quarter-mile strip in miniature versions of top-fuel cars.


The Bambino karting class is specifically designed for 6–8-year-olds to get their first experience of karting. The class uses a kart that is the correct size and not to heavy for young drivers. At eight years old, children can move into the Cadet karting class.

Once a child is eight-years-old there are many different karting championships available to them, such as the cadet karting class in the British Indoor Karting Championship, and British Karting Championships.


From two-years-old children can sit as a rear passenger on Road and Navigational Rallies, Car Trials, Classic Trials, and Cross Country Tyro events. At 12-years-old, one can sit as front passenger on a Car Trial or Production Car Autotest.

Navigate on Road Rallies

For Road Rallies on the public highway the emphasis is as much on navigation as driving skill. The navigator, who can be as young as 12, uses Ordnance Survey maps to direct the driver around the route.